Japanese startup Digital Asset Markets has teamed up with South Korean tech company Creder to issue Zipang Coin (ZPG), a crypto token pegged to the price of gold. Creder is said to offer digital asset trading services and work on the overseas expansion of virtual currencies backed by physical assets such as ZPG. (nikkei)
Digital Asset Markets has partnered with South Korea's Creder to issue Zipang Coin (ZPG), a crypto token pegged to the price of gold. Creder provides digital asset trading services and is committed to the overseas expansion of virtual currencies backed by physical assets such as ZPG.
RWA开发商Creder的DeFi平台Goldstation今天宣布,该平台已发布首次更新,并推出了除了现有的基于黄金的代币GPC和GHUB单一存款外,还增加了在GPC和KLAY以及GPC到GHUB等资产之间进行交易的功能,并通过为公平池提供流动性来提供额外的收入机会。 还将结合Dignity Gold LLC(该公司在美国拥有多个大型金矿)发行的Dignity代币(DIGau),推出GPC-WrapDignity(WDIGau)兑换功能。Wrapped Dignity是一...